Women of Nation’s mission is to provide supportive services, including crisis intervention, advocacy, and shelter for Native American and other battered women, their children, and when appropriate, other family members, as well as educate the public on domestic abuse issues.


Women of Nations was founded in 1982. It began as a community-based advocacy program that assisted battered women to obtain orders of protection and advocated on their behalf with social services, law enforcement and judicial services systems.

The Eagle’s Nest Shelter opened in 1991 as an emergency shelter for women and children fleeing domestic violence. In the past decade, the program has expanded to serve victims of sexual violence and human trafficking, and developed outreach program services.

Women of Nations serves an average of 550 adults and 350 children every year.

Women of Nations is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that accepts monetary and limited in-kind donations.


Women of Nations is one of very few non-reservation based, culturally specific domestic violence programs in the United States. While we serve all women and children fleeing domestic violence, we provide specific services for Native American women and children. Native American spirituality, healing ceremonies and cultural customs are used to facilitate the healing process. Women who arrive at Women of Nations have the opportunity to participate in sweat lodges, discuss their experiences in talking circles, celebrate moon and pipe ceremonies, and remain connected with the Native American community. These connections to Native American cultural traditions empower our clients to leave unhealthy relationships while remaining connected to their cultural heritage.


In respect for Mother Earth,
We unconditionally commit
Ourselves to Her, to our sisterhood,
And to the Circle of Life.

We as Women of Nations,
Do not deserve to be beaten.

We as Women of Nations,
Realizing that we cannot endure
The pain of violence alone,
Can grow by sharing

We as Women of Nations,
Need to respect and appreciate the tribal
Differences amongst us
And realize that we all learned
Ways of surviving.

We as Women of Nations,
Hold a vision of family without violence.

As the Mother Earth
Reveals her strength through
The creation of life,
We also derive strength from her to make
Positive changes through our own decisions.